Kegels for Days?

Are you leaking and have been told to just do more kegels? Have you tried to do kegels and not seen any improvement? Well, kegels aren’t for everyone AND may make your symptoms worse! Did you know you can leak because your muscles are TOO tight? Below are some signs and symptoms that may indicate that your muscles are actually too tight rather than too weak:

  • Difficulty starting your urine stream
  • Frequent urination 
  • Increased urgency, even if you just peed
  • Pain with intercourse, tampon use, or annual GYN exams
  • Shallow breathing or chest breathing
  • Pelvic pain
  • Constipation or pain with bowel movements

Your pelvic floor muscles jobs include supporting your bladder, rectum and uterus, as well as playing a key role in urination control and sexual function.  If these muscles have a difficult time relaxing because they are stuck, it can push on the bladder giving false signals of urgency and decrease the capacity of your bladder. We also need to be able to lengthen these muscles to allow urination, defecation, and vaginal penetration to occur. The inability to do this results in the above-mentioned symptoms. PS – this can happen in men too!

If these sound like symptoms you experience, don’t just do more kegels – ask us how we can help today!