Treating the Taboo is CORE 3 Physical Therapy’s Pelvic Floor focused blog. Here at CORE 3 we understand the difficulties and misinformation that arise around Pelvic Floor concerns. We want to treat the taboo about pelvic floor. Our goal is to make the whole journey of healing a little bit easier.

Recent Articles

Pelvic Floor

Diastasis Recti Before and After Pregnancy

If your belly still looks pregnant months after delivery, a common post partum condition called…
Pelvic Floor

Postpartum Pilates

Navigating exercise following pregnancy may seem like a daunting task- there are so many options…
Pelvic Floor

The Fourth Trimester

Pregnancy can be an exciting time, filled with preparations for baby and frequent visits to…
Pelvic Floor

Just Breathe

Let’s talk about breathing… and your pelvic floor. Did you know they are connected? Your…
Pelvic Floor

Postpartum Hormones

The hormonal changes that occur following pregnancy and birth can have a dramatic impact on…
Pelvic Floor

Estrogen and Pelvic Health

As a female, you have probably heard the word “estrogen” thrown around quite a bit.…
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Our Therapists


Danielle Knippenberg, PT, MPT, Cert. MDT, GCS, PRPC, WCS

Tanya Morris, PT, DPT

Shannon O’Brien, PT, DPT

Emily Gilbert, PT, DPT